Concrete is one of the most common building materials. It is made from sand and aggregate, with cement as a binder. These ingredients are heated to a high temperature to form rock that is then grounded into powder.

Hempcrete, on the other hand, is made from hemp mixed with a lime binder and water; it does not require heat to produce. This material can be formed to fit between the studs of a house as building blocks or bricks. Because it is less dense than regular concrete, it weighs significantly less and therefore requires less strain during the building process. It can also be used like stucco to protect the outside walls of new and existing homes from moisture. As a vapor-permeable material, it can absorb water when it’s raining and then expel it when the sun is shining. This is a huge advantage because, for many building materials, moisture problems can lead to mold and rot. It also has a higher “R” value than concrete so it acts a better insulator. It also has environmental tenets as it acts as a carbon sink.

With ready access to limestone and water, the Nez Perce Tribe has a huge opportunity in this growing industry!